90.91 ₽
99.88 ₽
68049.97 $
3272.52 $
Our working principles
are extremely simple!

PIC-TRADE is a team formed over several years among successful entrepreneurs, leaders in the network industry and simply purposeful, interesting, ordinary people from different corners of the earth who achieve their goals, reaching new heights and levels of life. For a long time, we have formed into a large group of like-minded people, and today we can be called a modern, actively developing community, built on the principles of mutual support, trust and help each other.

Our team is international and multifaceted, we give every member of the community the opportunity to develop, if he was able to provide us with a sufficient number of arguments to launch his business model, and the idea was really worth the attention, effort, cost, so that, implementing it, it can benefit all members of the community . Today we have chosen a number of directions in the trade field in the liquidity distribution market, part of the trade is in the field of e-commerce, real estate, restaurant business, tourism, and we are considering other perspective areas in which we actively invest both personal funds and the money of our participants for the implementation of these areas, and making even greater profits for each of us. The community does not need to attract new investments, but it can provide an opportunity to realize the dreams, goals and plans that you have in your head as a co-founder (having a share of the business) of your business by investing in it.

PIC-TRADE is an international community uniting people with the goal of mutual financing and achieving financial results, improving the financial situation of each participant.

Today we set ourselves goals in implementing global community projects to increase profits, and expand our personal business, and help our members under your management, as a competent and qualified professional in their field. For us, this is a great responsibility before members of our community, but we believe that by choosing the path of support and assistance to each other, we can make the environment even more happy and grateful to us.

Our Ideology

When you have $1.000.000 you are considered a successful person, when you have 10.000.000 you are considered a rich person, when you have 100.000.000 - this money should serve people!

We believe that the success of any community member is determined solely by his decisions, and our role as a team player is to give you an extremely comfortable environment to achieve your financial goals. We strive to make cooperation with the community favorable for the investor at the initial stage, and decency, stability and reliability for you are our foundation.

Transparent working conditions

In the PIC-TRADE community, you invest in the proposed areas, which we acquire and put into operation before your eyes. The cooperation scheme is designed in such a way that during the year community assets work only for you, and then they become our property. We are trying to increase existing assets, and you can get super profit, expressed in gifts and community promotions, also from an affiliate program. Of course, we want to please and encourage active members of our community, for this, separately from the affiliate program, we have developed a bonus program that includes a set of vital goals for each person, everyone who begins to go through career ranks will be able to provide themselves with everything necessary for life.

Based on our capabilities, we are guided by the knowledge of our analysts and the allocated funds for incentive bonuses by our management, however, in any case, the current areas of the community work stably, and compliance with the terms of the community will bring you a guaranteed income every month.

Payments to participants.

50% goes to the redistribution of funds and payments to the participants supporting us and our idea of the community.

Affiliate program.

Up to 20% of the funds goes to increase the participant’s income for the active development of the community.

Marketing and development.

10% of the money goes to community development, promotion and advertising campaigns.

Bonus program.

Up to 15% is allocated to reward a participant with valuable gifts.

Payroll fund.

5% of the money goes to the payroll fund.

PIC-TRADE is your working business, where your funds work in a transparent manner, are distributed and invested in a ground-based instrument that generates money for you. Nowadays, this is one of the existing business opportunities, which has high efficiency and a guarantee of stability due to the constant growth of selected areas and compliance with community conditions.

Three steps to success
01. Registration

Everything is very simple! You want to change your quality of life, improve your financial situation, find like-minded people, then you need to create an account on our PIC-TRADE platform. This will take 2 minutes.

02. Deposit

In order to make your personal team more effective, we recommend determining the amount with which you are ready to start cooperation as a personal example for your audience. This will allow, not in words, but in practice to explain how the principle and mechanisms of the community work.

03. Profit

According to the selected Done! Now you are a full-fledged member of the community and have all the privileges according to your status, you can set goals, create a contribution, share the capabilities of the community, and reach the desired income. Use affiliate and bonus program!


The uniqueness and advantage of the community is that we gather like-minded people who are not so much pursuing profit, it was, is and will be, how it is to create a wealthy environment around us, a generation of purposeful, open, wealthy people, team players to implement global business projects community. We are just different, and if somewhere in the depths of your consciousness you feel that it appeals to me, then you can become part of our community and share our ideology among your friends and relatives.

By acting together, we make ourselves and our community stronger


You must admit that today not everyone can afford the full benefits of this world, not everyone dreams of them in view of their workload of vanity and troubles of their life, but the community is attractive because it makes it possible to fulfill our plan, dreams and desires, and at the same time remain financially secure person.


Nowadays, the community is accessible to everyone 24/7, for this it is enough to use a smartphone, and as practice shows, the model of cooperation with the community, as well as the marketing program as a whole, is accessible and understandable to any participant, which makes it possible to actively develop anywhere in the world.


Many will ask if it is reliable, but where are the guarantees? We want to declare openly that only fraudsters and charlatans give guarantees, we also have reliability factors from simple community conditions, the observance of which has a positive effect on reducing risks to zero, and as practice shows, it gives peace in your heart and confidence in the future!

24/7 support

Our support department specialists work 24/7 for you, we are happy to help and competently answer all your questions. We will help to prompt you how to start cooperation with us, we will try to bring information to you as openly and transparently as possible.


We have many like-minded people from all over the world who earn stable income using the capabilities of the community and business areas, and were able to change the quality of their lives and reach a stable income.


When you have 1.000.000 dollars you are considered a successful person, when you have 10.000.000 you are considered a rich person, when you have 100.000.000 - this money should serve people! We believe that the success of any community member is determined solely by his decisions, and our role as a team player is to give you an extremely comfortable environment to achieve your financial goals. We strive to make cooperation with the community favorable for the investor at the initial stage, and decency, stability and reliability for you are our foundation.

Today, the community is a symbiosis formed over the years and embodied in the network, we are your 24/7 support, stability and a solid foundation, if you share our ideology, then achieving your goals is mutual, and this gives us appeal among the public, because the community’s accessibility is at the level of smartphone, and reliability is measured by time, growth dynamics, active development and implementation of goals.

The main thing is that you have the opportunity to earn from 3% per month to 120% per year in net profit, through the means of these opportunities you can improve the quality of your life, it remains to take part and become a free and financially independent person.

“By acting together, we are making both ourselves and our community stronger.”

History of creation

The history of our direction began long before the appearance of this Internet resource, for several years now we have been cooperating with our participants with land-based business assets, and now we have posted on the Internet platform and you have come to it. You are a simple person who is looking for new opportunities for himself, as an additional source of income, and the main one. In this way, over time, we had the first Internet participants, and their first results and achievements, the desired income, began to appear, and we decided to take our direction to a new level, which we will enjoy together. You can do that too, because they say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Today, the quality of our proposals is at a fairly high level, we will continue to work diligently to increase the performance of our activities in all areas that affect the profitability and success of the community.

Being extremely honest with you, we want to note that we have been working on the launch of this Internet platform since the beginning of 2019, you can analyze our level of preparation yourself by evaluating the site, personal account and investment proposals of the community. Our community is at the very beginning of its path, today we have a close-knit team of like-minded people who share the ideology of the community and clearly set goals, we have a plan to achieve them, so we can safely tell you - everything is just beginning!