90.91 ₽
99.88 ₽
67962.01 $
3266.11 $
conditions of registration
Terms and agreements

Attention! Each Participant of the PIC-TRADE community have to read these Rules before registering on the site!

By clicking «Register» button in the registration form, you automatically agree to abide by all the Rules set forth here and not to violate them all the time the Internet platform exists. If you do not agree with any clause of this Agreement, immediately leave the resource.

The Rules below are created to optimize the cooperation between the PIC-TRADE community (hereinafter referred to as the "Community") and a citizen or resident of any country (hereinafter referred to as the "Participant"). All the nuances of adjusting work processes are set forth in them.

We note right away that a person who has reached the age of majority can become a Participant. The presented Rules are legally fixed and guarantee a reliable transaction protected by law.

Key points

1.1. Any individual who has reached the age of 18 and who has registered on the official platform of the PIC-TRADE company community (hereinafter referred to as “Internet platform”) becomes a Participant of the Community and is one of the Parties to the cooperation process regulated by these Rules.

1.2. Disclaimer. The Community cannot be a defendant for any consequences associated with Participant`s investment activities. The Community is not an insurance guarantor of the services and/or activities provided.

1.3. The Participant confirms voluntariness of investments, using owned funds for this, and he cannot make claims to the Community in cases when the interaction process does not lead to the expected result throughout the entire investment period.

1.4. Any time, without prior agreement with the Participant, previously notifying the Participant, the Community has the right to amend these Rules, taking into account the primacy of the majority interests or observing the interests of the Community.

The Rights and Obligations of the Parties

2.1. The Community is obliged to provide the Participant with a correctly and smoothly working platform, as well as to provide information and consulting services regarding online investment.

2.2. The Community is obliged to store confidentially Participant`s personal data and under no circumstances transfer this data to third parties.

2.3. The Community is committed to provide and update if necessary the most advanced technological solutions that ensure the safe use of the Internet platform, as well as transfer and exchange of information using the Internet platform.

2.4. The Community guarantees a stable accrual of interest on the investment proposals submitted for consideration by the Participant.

2.5. The Community is committed to helping each Member achieve desired results, if he, in turn, accepts the terms of cooperation and decides to act, sharing the ideology of the Community and bringing to the masses its concept for creating a personal team of like-minded people.

2.6. The Community is committed to create the most comfortable environment for the development of the team of each Participant by providing training materials, conducting regular webinars and providing technical support 24/7.

2.7. For security purposes, the Participant undertakes to store his authorization personal data in a safe place and not transfer it to third parties.

2.8. The Participant agrees not to use SPAM technology and also guarantees that any kind of malicious or spyware programs are not used.

2.9. The Participant undertakes to be loyal to the Community, guided by purely balanced and objective decisions. All disputes that may arise between the Participant and the Community are resolved exclusively through negotiations using all existing methods and means of interactive communication.

2.10. The Participant undertakes to provide the Community with correct and relevant personal data, including information about payment details in order to avoid blocking the Participant’s personal account.

2.11. The Community has the right to trust the investment funds voluntarily provided by the Participant for these purposes in the form of deposits generated and activated using the software of the Community Internet platform and the value of which the Participant determines independently.

2.12. The task of each Participant is to form a team of like-minded people who share Community ideology, concept, and are ready to fulfill the conditions of cooperation.

2.13. The only condition for fulfilling the plan for each of your contributions to making a profit! For example: invest 1000 tokens incorrectly new members double the volume to 2000 tokens. This is a temporary condition that is created for the successful, stable and even development of the Community.

2.14. The Participant has the right to use all the Internet platform functions, make deposits, make a profit, also profit in the form of affiliate rewards, Extra bonus programs, and receive promotional gifts using the capabilities of the Bonus Program.

Liability of the Parties

3.1. The Community cannot be a defendant for malfunctions of the Internet platform if they were caused by force majeure circumstances or circumstances that are not under the control of the Community.

3.2. The Community is not a defendant for the accuracy or correct perception by the Participant of the information (content) presented on the Internet platform. All information posted on the Internet platform is advisory and exploratory and should not be considered as a call for any action.

3.3. The Community is not a defendant if the Participant incorrectly indicated his payment details when registering on the Internet platform. Or in the case when the Participant independently made the wrong changes to his payment details, using the appropriate options for a personal account.

3.4. The Community is not a defendant for losses or other inconveniences associated with failures in the operation of electronic payment systems that a Participant uses for the investment process or to withdraw funds.

3.5. The Community is not a defendant for any losses that the Participant may incur as a result of using the Internet platform.

Final provisions

4.1. The Participant confirms the fact that he knows that investing does not imply absolutely identical results at different time intervals.

4.2. The Community has the right to stop the operation of the Internet platform in the event of force majeure circumstances occurring both in the territory of the Community and in the territory of the Participant.

4.3. All changes, additions or corrections to these Rules automatically come into force from the moment they are actually made to these Rules.

4.4. All pages of the https://pic-trade.company Internet platform are related to these Rules in the same way as any point or paragraph of these Rules in the part governing the interaction of the Parties or the investment process.